Thursday, June 2, 2011

More life not less . . .

For the last year and a half I have been seeing an upper cervical chiropractor.  The upper cervical variety does not adjust the patient with the well-known air popping manipulations and contortions that make you feel like you really got your money's worth.   The gentle, almost imperceptible push aligns the head so that blood and nerve flow are not impeded by the pinching off due to misalignment, the product of aging, abuse, and neglect.  The theory is that having been freed up to "fire" correctly from brain to body, the body will start to heal itself of the distortions that were the body's means of coping with the misalignment and pressured nerves.  It is said that the body will retrace its injuries so that healing can happen, and there are enough testimonials to make it appear that this is so.  I'm still waiting to be someone's success story.

I got to thinking that there is a spiritual application here.  When the life of the Spirit flows through us unhindered, we often expect that all should be well.  But the resulting pain and tweaking we experience is a retracing of old wounds--a retracing necesary so that they may be healed.  The free flow of energy to previously closed off places exposes to the healing power of God those heart hurts and dark hidden compensations that have kept us sick.   And sometimes, there is more pain in the healing process than in the ignorance and denial.  But in the untwisting, the poor functioning places receive life--life that will breed more life.  Of course, I would prefer "instant" rather than "process," but the goal is more life not less.  So, Lord, may I be Your success testimonial.

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