Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I Thought

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I thought I heard you breathe, but it was leaves rustling in the wind—simply high pressure and low, changing places, stirring up desert sands.

I thought I heard you laugh; but peering through the trees, it was only spring melt of winter’s snow, filling and rushing along a creek bed.

I thought I saw your shininess for a split second; but iridescence, refraction, rainbow colors, caressing puffs of condensation are products of the hydrologic cycle—a simple lesson that any school child should know.

I thought I felt your touch, warm and wet, a comfort; but it was simply my dog nuzzling for attention, sharking me with his long collie muzzle, only slightly awake to my stinging need.

It was easier when I was a child—faith, that is—easier before the jading.

Easier before complications,
distractions, and disappointments.

But then I thought . . . and I wondered what happened to the wonder.

And I thought a thought.

So I listened to hear.
I looked to see,
I reached to touch; and in that moment,
a fragile moment,
I felt
the wonder coming back.

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  1. I like that!

    Even in those four pictures, as BEAUTIFUL as they are, speaks to me the wonder of HIS I marvel at ALL the amazing beauty GOD kindly gives us everyday!

    I think it's pretty cool how you can write about a subject matter and yet use pictures within your written talented!

    1. I love photographing God's creation--and the words? Well, they just keep coming. :)
