There is a Different Way of Seeing

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There is a different way of seeing.

A handicap spot, and you seem so able as I cluck my judging mental tongue. But I don’t see the pain and fatigue that chains your ankles to the ground, making even those few extra steps a burden.

When the inconsiderate one enters the exit instead of the entrance, I assume she is obtuse or disrespectful of other people’s space, but what I don’t see is the soul that is counting steps to see how many she can manage with the energy left and still finish all her errands.

You looked strong today, so in control. And what I didn’t see were the tears cupped at the edge of your frazzled and pained brain, ready to spill with the slightest jostle. What I didn’t see was the bathroom stall where tears fell and spirit sagged from a thoughtless word.

There is a different way of seeing.
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