Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Glorious Intruder

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I have you safe here in my tiny box—my Sunday box,
my settled and safe Sunday box with fixed parameters and expectations,
no surprises.
But seams fill and cracks appear.
I am feeling uncomfortable here with my tidy little box of devotion.
I am feeling threatened here with my commitment that will not conform.
I thought I had you contained in my dogma and doctrine.
I thought creeds kept you tame and manageable.
But there are cracks round the edges, and I am feeling exposed.
Utility over abandon has come with a cost;
safety over fidelity has made this thin soul dissatisfied, and I am feeling stretched here
as my faith fictions and controllable boxes give way to your intrusion.


  1. Once humbled, then true LIFE enters and freedom that the world nor 'religion' can comes with a 'cost'; but so it was with JESUS in the giving of such LIFE! No greater greater reward!

    You have such a unique way of expression...I love it!
