Monday, June 24, 2013

The Everlasting

097 - CopyBlossoms falling, beauty fading by degrees,
drying lighter and frail, shrinking to a wither—and
it seems to be the way of things.

It is.
It thrives.
Death seems a very lifelong way off.

But it is here now, and we lived as if it would never come.

And the loss presses,
and the moments fade, except in the photographs of those frozen joys.
And the sadness could run deep—blood deep, bone deep—if
it weren’t for the hope in the everlasting provision of grace,
in the Everlasting.
176 - Copy 099 - Copy

About apronheadlilly

wife and mother, musician, composer / poet, teacher, and observer of the world, flawed Christ-follower

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4 Responses to The Everlasting

  1. sorrygnat says:

    Lovely, photos terrific too!
  2. dorannrule says:

    “It seems to be the way of things.” You have encapsulated the whole of life and death here in beautiful photos and words.

I would love to hear from you!


  1. You have such a beautiful gift for capturing life and how it really feels. Thank you for sharing heart is touched. That is just how I feel sometimes.

  2. Well written, and true!

