Friday, June 6, 2014

My Book of Uncommon Prayers: Here in the Middle

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Time and non-time,
the common and the uncommon, spinning together,
sometimes glimpsed, but often not–
always together, spiritual and material,
God is calling, wanting communion;
it’s a call to communion,
to participate
in all these grace-gifts.
Heaven and earth are tangled, and here I am in the middle,
thinking I am caught only in my own will and experience, when
there is this tugging for the eternal, the mystery–for me and my affections,
and I am off trying to find myself, when
I need only find myself in You.
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  1. Lily, that is beautiful! Your words are filled with emotions and truths woven together. I like them. ~~ I haven't been over to see you for a long time. I spend more time with apps than blogging it seems. Hope all is well with you and yours. Hugs, Maggie

    1. If you get a chance check out my hummingbird rescue on Apronhead. That has been so much fun!

  2. Nice to see you again. Lots of life happening. Hubby's mom is in hospice, have been looking for full time work after his lay-off (promising things there finally), wrapping up school items, and life goes on. I am looking forward to some calm moments in the summer to breathe. :-)
