Sunday, January 8, 2012

The ANTI-Tip!

I was reading in a magazine that the Danish put away their small kitchen appliances, such as coffee makers, after every use.  Apparently, a cluttered counter can make you feel tired.

Okay, I get that.  But I have a coffee maker, an electric knife, a toaster, and two juicers that I use everyday, not to mention the microwave!  The thought of putting those away and putting them out again day after day . . . well, THAT makes me tired!

But I've decided to compromise:  I'll do the dishes.  . . . Tomorrow.


  1. Ahh, home. Where the world cannot tell us what to do. Suggestions are ok...ha ha. I find less 'things' do have a tranquil vista to me...but life has to be lived as is...much of the time. I think! have a nice day...Maggie

  2. I laugh at some of the articles that get published. They must think most people are really gullible. :-)

  3. Putting things away? That's a totally alien concept in this house!

  4. When I put things away, then I can't find them!
