Sunday, January 22, 2012

Canadians, Eh!

Canada Geese 1-15-12 CA

I wondered where all those Canadians went in winter to avoid the snow!

Single file, ladies, single file!


  1. What clarity your photos have...its like being there..almost!

  2. If you had been there, you would have needed gloves--which I did not have! The wind was bitter cold that day here in sunny CA!

  3. I'm so surprised they even bothered going this year, they did have a late start since it had been so warm up until now. I often wonder, how far do they fly south?

  4. It's been chilly off and on, but certainly not freezing. Often we see them in V-formation heading further south--probably Mexico or South America. But water, fairly warm temps,and free food from locals who bring them bread--well, they just might decide this CA high desert welfare state is the place to hang out. :-)
