Saturday, June 2, 2012

Pelicans, Fishing for Compliments

I have never thought pelicans to be that beautiful a bird–maybe it’s something about that saggy, baggy jaw of theirs.
I’ve never been one to sing their praises when there was a song sparrow to be had, or a finch, or a jay, or an anything–really.
But here you are in an aerial ballet, a silhouetted arabesque against a blue, blue, above a blue, blue, and me below clicking away, mesmerized.
Dip, turn, skim.
Soar, plunge, gulp–okay, not so beautiful that last part.
But I have become a fan, won over by your faithful grace, and your elegant flight.


  1. I'm so glad you have a new outlook on pelicans because they are absolutely one of my favorite birds. Even though I live close to Louisiana (about 25 miles) we don't see their state bird, the brown pelican, in our area, but I'm looking forward to a trip to the Gulf next month where I hope to renew my acquaintance with these guys. Do you remember seeing the awful pictures of the pelicans who were injured in the BP oil spill a few years ago in Louisiana? That tore my heart out.

    1. I like all living things really, but they just never impressed me that much. But I was amazed at their acrobatics and definitely changed my opinion. :-) I do rememebr seeing some photos. So sad.
