Thursday, June 7, 2012

To See What I Could Sea

We have enough sand, but no beach;
enough waves, but they generally radiate off hot pavement.
We have moving air, but rather than the gentle off-shore breezes,
our wind is often fence-bending, sand-bearing, hair-ripping gales!
We have blue skies and even apparently lost seagulls,
but the forever horizon of the sea,
the constant, foaming refreshment of ocean tides,
they are not to be found among Joshua trees, newly raised subdivisions,
and maxed out thermometers.
So to the beach I go.
I look out to forget the manmade sea behind me.
I look out to remind myself that there is a wonder beyond my schedule.
I look out to look in
and clear the mind clutter to make room for a higher tide,
a fresh thought.

Pelican and seagull in synchronized dancing

You lookin’ at me?

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