Thursday, September 13, 2012

My Birthday Orchid

I was just as pleased to visit the orchid place and snap away, snap away. But hubby decided I should have one for my very own. Funny, if I care for it according to the directions, the owner said it could outlive me. I asked him if he was a prophet.

So happy birthday to me today. It now has 10 blossoms to bless me with.


  1. I was just admiring orchids today. But I did not purchase any, I just admire. Happy Birthday.

    1. I have never had any before. I am enjoying their happy faces!

  2. I hope you live in an area that has plenty of moisture and humidity!

  3. Oh, yes, another thought. I think it's so great that orchids have become affordable enough to actually be sold in grocery stores these days!

    1. The bad news is we live in the desert. :-) The good news is that in the summer we run a swamp cooler than injects lots of humidity into the air. The greenhouse guy recommended this particualr kind and gave instructions how to care for it, so hopefully, it works!

  4. BEAUTIFUL GIFT, both thought and gift!!

    I hope you had a very special birthday! :)

  5. Gorgeous!!! I have a similar one that has bloomed for about 5 years steady. Don't forget to water it...I damaged mine by doing just that and hey....belated Happy Birthday! =)

    1. This is my first one. Hopefully, I will keep it alive. The greenhouse guy sent us home with instructions.
