Friday, December 16, 2011

Coffee Break!

. . . or at least spill!  My "friendly" Cooper's Hawk returned, and of course I jumped up to take a picture through my newly cleaned, and expansively so, window!  See what happens when you clean the whole thing!

Problem:  I knocked over my coffee into my keyboard.  I didn't even notice till he had flown off.  After emptying the keyboard of my vanilla creamed organic free trade blend, and after sopping up the remainder off my desk, I was surprised to find that aside from a stuck enter key, it is none the worse for wear.

I didn't get around to uploading the pictures right away, and when I did today, what a surprise.  It's not the original.  So a wife?  A cousin?  A friend?  This one is almost blue in the feather and the chest is more the typical sandy flecked Cooper's in the pictures.  I hate that they eat my sparrows and finches, but I have to gasp with delight at his magnificence!


  1. Good Morning! What sharp and lovely photos of the hawk. Hope you have an enjoyable weekend.

  2. Yeah, it's amazing the pics you can shoot when you clean the window!

  3. It's definitely an unusual color for a hawk - at least the ones I've seen.

  4. It is definitely blue compared to the last one I posted. In my research, I found that the more mature ones are bluer. Mmm, wonder if it goers for people too! :-)
