Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Acrostic

Come to crush the serpent’s head,
Heaven’s Son, Creation wielder,
Roiled in the raw filth of our mutiny and brokenness,
Intervention looked like a baby.
Sinew, muscle, blood, and bone,
Tears and hunger, heat and cold,
Mender of hearts, mender of bodies,
Authority looked like a baby. 
Savior and inconspicuous Bridegroom, come to crush and be crushed.

Christmas acrostic 12-19-11


  1. Lily, How powerfully and beautifully you express God's great sacrifice to Redeem us ....thank you!

  2. Well said!! Well done, nice blog; thanks for the comments on my "Storms of Life" blog.

  3. Cleverly written and it fits the season perfectly.

  4. Thanks. Hopefully better than the C is for the candy we get on Christmas Day . . . :-)

  5. I enjoyed your comment about Christmas trees and fire. You made me laugh, though I know it wasn't a bit funny at the time or ever....Once I left the door on our wood-burner open a few inches to help the fire 'catch'. It caught all right, it soon sounded like a freight train was roaring through the basement. Scared the daylights out of me. It happened the chimney had caught fire and was roaring away. Oh, scary day!! I wonder where the saying 'scared the daylights out of me' originated? Well, back to the de-cluttering before hubby gets home. Have a nice day...only 3 more till Christmas day!

  6. Scary story! I grew up so scared of fire because of several instances when the pipes caught fire in our old farmhouse. One time the chimney caught fire, and that was terrifying. I will blog about that story sometime! I still sometimes have to turn around and go home to check and make sure I didn't leave the stove on! Ah! Scarred for life.
