Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Thought for the Day: Whine and Roses 2

Still recouping from my attack at the dermatologist. My lips look like Angelina Jolie, only not as cute; and my arms look like I disturbed a hornet’s nest.
Today, when the guy at the plant nursery dropped his shovel and left me out in the heat with my wood chip pile while he went to wait on other more worthy customers, I punished him. Yes sir! Besides the evil eye, I denied him the satisfaction of knowing why I was standing there with two kneesocks on my arms in 105 degree heat! Huh!! I really got him, don’t you think.


  1. Your a brave woman to be out in that heat wearing knee socks on your arms! :)

    1. Make that you're a brave woman. :))

    2. PArt of it was embarrassment from the plague-like spots all over, and the other part was growing paranoia about sun damage! Either way, it looked rather stupid. :-) But he will just think I'm a Michael Jackson wannabe. :-)

  2. I'm recovering (I hope) from an encounter with wild parsnip, so my legs look kinda gross, too, so I can understand what you are talking about. Of course, legs aren't quite as obvious as arms...
    Hope you are better today!!
    Of all the hummingbird photos, I love the first one you posted the best!
