Whine and Roses

. . . minus the roses.
I had an appointment with the dermatologist today. I had a couple of spots I figured needed to be frozen off, which would not be unusual for the whitest woman in America.
I had a new doc who is either slightly ADD or else I have slowed down more than I thought in the last 2 days. She talked so fast I could barely keep processing. My 2 spots turned in to a machine gun approach of more than I could count. She gave me a shot and took a biopsy on one before I could tell her I am allergic to epinephrine in Novocaine shots. And she hit my nose and my lip which hurt more than I could say. I felt somewhat traumatized, and sat there stunned until she reminded me that I didn’t need to watch her typing. I could go!
I was feeling very unwell and walked in a daze to the nurse to hand her my bodily parts! So here I am at work, looking like I have been either mugged in the parking lot of our Christian school. Or perhaps I look more like I dislodged a bee’s nest on the way in to work.
I can hardly wait till the opinion survey for my visit comes in the mail.