Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What is a “blog” anyway?

Is BLOG an acronym?  What does it mean exactly?  Okay, no fair looking it up on Wikipedia!  I've come up with a few suggestions of what the word might stand for.  Maybe you too can think of some.
§  Beaten down, Losing, Ostracized, and Grumpy.  This is actually my husband's suggestion at the end of another skirmish in our thermostat wars.  I'm trying not to take it personally.
§  Beautiful Lines OGrandiloquence
§  Bad Lines with gOod PhotoGraphs
§  Brats, Lovers, and the Oober Genteel
§  Blithe Loquacious  Offerings from the Gifted
I'm not sure I had much to begin with, but I certainly am running out of steam.  Any suggestions?
Oh, I did think of one for The Birding Bunch blogger:  Bird Lovers Offering Good advice.  :-)


  1. Or:
    Believe Love and Gratitude.

    Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year full of peace, health and LOVE….
    And that we all may accomplish our dreams …with God ‘s Blessings.

  2. Sorry...I forgot the "O"!
    Believe Love , Old people and Gratefulness

