Saturday, November 26, 2011

Little Sprouts!

I have been trying to cut and paste my blog about growing sprouts in here, and blogspot has decided it hates me! 

The fonts go all weird, so here is the link to the same post over on Wordpress if you want to learn how to sprout nutritious grains.


  1. i'll have a look, thanks. Yes, we did make the stained glass hanging. We were blessed to have taken lessons from a so-nice man & his wife who had a shop and taught for $5.00 an hour some years ago. Can you imagine? $5 an hour. Bless them. Over the years we made 5 or so pieces, and our glass friends helped us through any problems. It is a lot of work though, isn't it.

  2. You guys did great! I like my little effort, but it is not much to be proud of. :-) I laid down tarps and tried to contain the shards, but that seemed too hard. Fabric is more forgiving. I have a cousin who does marvelous work. I always thought it was something I would like. But I'll appreciate others' hard work.
